Dire Tladi
Sins of the Father
A diplomatic meeting in Lubumbashi is rocked by a terrorist attack. Those responsible make only one demand: We want him, without saying who "he" is.
In pursuit of this slimmest of clues is Tolamo Moagi who in this second Dire Tladi novel is freed from the demons of alcoholism and promiscuity that haunted him when readers first encountered him in Blood in the Sand of Justice. Now he joins forces with Nyeleti Pistorius, a captain in the Directorate for Priority Crime (Hawks), and a French intelligence officer, Julie Bourbon.
The twists and turns of this captivating novel take readers all over the world - from Khartoum to Berlin, from Vienna and The Hague to Laguna Beach - as Tolamo's intrepid team expose a sinister conspiracy to control the world.
Sins of the Father is a sequel to Dire Tladi’s first book, Blood in the Sand of Justice.
“Dire Tladi… He is a skilled plotter, with his legal expertise providing welcome accuracy. This book is an excellent ‘whodunnit’ on an international stage, and races and twists to a crashing finale” ~ Kristy Brimelow, QC, Times of London 12 December 2018