Joan Campbell
Joan Campbell is a contributing devotional writer for The Upper Room and Scripture Union and a published author. She has spoken at writing events across the world and has co-ordinated writer training in Africa. Joan is actively involved in Media associated International, a training ministry for Christian writers and publishers.
Come and take a journey back through time. Find yourself in ancient Israel, on the dusty road of a bustling village. The crowd begins to stir and you hear the excited murmur, “It’s the rabbi!” You see him now too, the one called Jesus. He pauses right where you are standing and - in that vast crowd - it’s your eyes he looks into. Feel the healing in his touch as he reaches out to you. Hear the love in his whispered words.
This collection of stories is based on the lives of people who encountered Jesus during his time on earth.
Since the stories are told through the eyes of these individuals, readers are transported right into the heart of familiar Bible scenes, to experience the person’s life-changing moment with Jesus in a wonderfully unique way.
Each story ends with a reflection and prayer, inviting readers to draw into their own intimate moments with Jesus.
Chapters are beautifully illustrated by award-winning artist, Carrol Evans.
Take a journey back through time. Bow at the throne of an enemy king. Flee to the dungeons after an attempt on your life. Stand on besieged city walls, gazing out at a brutal enemy. Be drawn into the world of spies and intrigue. Witness a dead man walking from his grave.
In these and other stories, readers encounter the lives of bible characters in a way they never have before – through the characters’ own eyes and words. Readers are transported into the heart of both familiar and not-so-familiar scenes to experience unique journeys of faith.
Each story ends with a reflection, prayer and meditative scriptures which invite readers to go deeper on their own journey with God.
Chapters are beautifully illustrated by award-winning artist, Carol Evans.
Soul Search
Discover the soul-searching questions of the one who holds life’s answers.
Step into ancient Israel to walk amongst Jesus’s disciples. Sit in a vast crowd listening to the rabbi’s words of wisdom. Stand along a dusty road calling for him as he passes by. Gaze into his eyes as he asks a question that stirs the depths of your soul.
This collection of stories takes you into accounts of Jesus asking questions that are wise, challenging, and life-giving. Told through the eyes of individuals encountering Jesus, the stories invite fresh and insightful engagement with Scripture.
Each illustrated chapter also includes a contemplative prayer exercise and meditative scriptures that allows readers to apply the question to their own life in a spiritually formative way.
Chains of Gwyndorr
Secret schemes. Stolen magic.
Trapped behind Gwyndorr’s towering walls, Shara longs to unlock the secrets that surround her. She believes the Cerulean Dusk Dreamer is the key. The power rock gives vivid dreams of the past and future, but it also has a dark side. Its forces lay siege to her future, tightening her chains. In seeking help, Shara rekindles a forbidden friendship with Nicho, the Lowborn lawbreaker facing banishment to the Rif’twine Forest.
Together Shara and Nicho must thwart the plans of their enemies. But what if the power they unleash is an even greater chain that what they’ve come to bear?
This Christian Fantasy trilogy holds up a mirror into our own world where many love in darkness, unaware of their remarkable identity as image-bearers of God. The allegorical story ultimately shows that there is only one way to find truth, identity and joy; and that is through knowing and trusting Christ.
Heirs of Tirragyl
Long Live The Queen?
Since birth, Nyla has shared everything with her twin brother--royal tutors, the right to the throne of Tirragyl...even their soul. Many believe it wholly belongs to Alexor and should be returned to Nyla's brother regardless of the sacrifice--her death. However, Nyla's future isn't the only one in question.
A threat looms over the kingdom. The influential Lord Lucian intends to seize the Grotto, an underworld settlement known for harboring fugitives. And if legend is to be believed, it is also the hiding place of the most powerful of objects, the Guardian Rock.
As Nyla fights for her life, she realizes she's not only a soul heir but also the sole hope for the kingdom's survival.
Guardian of Ajalon
The long way home...
The poison tree path is Shara's road home...
If she and her companions can survive the journey.
In the danger and darkness of the forest, the only respite she finds is in the story unlocked in the Old Tongue book. In this vivid world, Shara finally discovers what she has longed for all her the key to the secrets of her past. Yet time is running out for Shara-and all of Tirragyl-as Lord Lucian, King Alexor, and the royal army attack the Guardian Grotto to claim the powerful Guardian Rock.
Unwilling to sit idly by as her kingdom is destroyed, Queen Nyla leaves her hiding place to recruit a most unlikely army-the Charab. But how can she win over the infamous assassins who have been oppressed by her family for generations?