Gloria Nomvuyiseko Noganta
Gloria is a mother, grandmother, poet, author, and inspirational speaker. She is also a casual runner and a CrossFit Master. Gloria attained her MBA n 2021 and continues to further her education despite her age.
Her interest in helping humanity was sparked by watching rural women who didn't just talk UBUNTU but actually lived it - these rural women draw strength from each other to deal with life matters such as deaths, births, weddings, parenting, and feeding their families. Her goal is to transport readers on a journey of self-empowerment, self-discovery, and self-realisation.
Collecting my Broken Pieces from my Divorce
A Story of Hope
In this book, Gloria shares how she collected the pieces of her soul, mind, and body after her divorce; and choose positivity over negativity. She defines daily philosophies that have helped her through what she calls “the first and deepest life wound” of her entire life. Gloria still believes in love and in the institution of marriage.
“If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the
sacrifice” ~ Gloria Nomvuyiseko Noganta